In his latest installment of Live & Uncensored, David Avocado Wolfe hosted Qigong Healer Chris Shelton to share their expertise about pain management, energ...
When David ‘Avocado’ Wolfe began farming in Hawaii in 1997, he had a vision of developing an abundant tropical fruit orchard, harmonious bee sanctuary, and trai...
Well, that was electric! The excitement shared between David Wolfe and Matt Roeske about electroculture drew sparks of thought and insight for those who attende...
Why do we use violet Miron glass for our products? The answer is much more than a "why not." In fact, the question leads to a very interesting scientific discov...
The Fruit Tree Planting Foundation (FTPF) seeks to populate the world with fruit and nut trees, bringing food and shade to communities and ecosystems around the...
NoniLand, a Hawaiian agricultural research center on the Big Island, is also home to a bee sanctuary that creates a delicious honey bursting with the flavors an...
We're already preparing for the amazing community of learners, cleansers, and healers who are joining us for our Fall 2024 Plant Based Detox Group. Will you joi...
Have you ever had a "senior" moment? These days, you don't have to be a senior to have one. Without the right mix of diet and exercise, your brain health can de...
Olive oil provides a whole host of incredible health benefits, thanks in large part to the healthy monounsaturated fats it contains. But did you know that not a...
Carbon 60 is beginning to take the supplement world by storm, finding its way into blends purported to do everything from increase lifespan to prevent arthritis...
There are many benefits and uses for activated charcoal. You can swallow activated charcoal in its pill form to help with a detox or cleanse. People even use it...
An Internet search on google for David Avocado Wolfe will quickly yield a hit-piece article on me entitled “David Avocado Wolfe is the Biggest Asshole in the Mu...