My psychology teacher in college decided one day to perform a little experiment. She gave some of her students juice that was purple in color. She asked them to...
The health benefits of drinking lemon water are very well documented. In the past, we've even recommended you drink a large glass of it first thing in the morni...
Juicing cannabis? Juicing hemp leaves? What is the point of that?
What many people do not know is that cannabis has more uses than just to get someone high. ...
There's no denying how tasty organic avocados are, not to mention the incredible benefits. What if, instead of going to the store to buy this amazing superfruit...
Hot dogs are just as American as hamburgers and apple pie. I remember growing up eating grilled hot dogs and hot dogs mixed with macaroni and cheese. It is deli...
For thousands of years, natural herbs have been used to treat common health problems successfully and without side effects. Now, many illnesses are treated with...
By Gillian B
Who says hummus has to be boring?
Try this fantastic, quick and easy recipe that is loaded with goodness and makes the perfect snack!
By Gillian B
If there is one thing that most of us remember from our childhood, it is Nutella! While it sure did taste great, it turns out that Nutella was n...
By Gillian B
Who says pizza has to be ‘bad’ for you? This recipe takes a classic comfort food and gives it superpowers. The crust uses very few ingredients, is...
Yes! You, too, can grow mushrooms, even if you have limited space. In fact, mushrooms are great additions to any small urban garden. If growing herbs or tomatoe...
When you visit the website of David "Avocado" Wolfe, then you must know you'll find the answer to that burning question: why eat avocados?
5 Reasons Why You Sh...
The dangerous artificial sweetener, aspartame, used commonly under the label NutraSweet is now being re-branded as AminoSweet. Watch out! This sweetener has an ...