Search Results for

essential oil

Royal Jelly: 10 Benefits & Uses

Royal jelly is a substance full of nutritious benefits.  For example, it contains proteins that are essential for cell growth and reproduction. Be sure to not c...

Tahini: 6 Health Benefits

Even if you haven't heard of tahini, you've probably already tasted it. In fact, tahini should be the main ingredient in your favorite hummus. Tahini sauce is e...
health benefits of sea salt FI

6 Health Benefits of Sea Salt

Salt is a big part of the human diet. A dash of it brings out the flavor of our otherwise bland food, and most of the packaged and processed food has at least s...

Jicama: 7 Benefits & Uses

Jicama, also known as yambean, is a bulbous root vegetable. Some have compared its consistency to a mixture of an apple and a turnip. Its origins are the Mexica...

Hummus: 8 Benefits & Uses

Yum, hummus! This creamy spread made from mashed chickpeas has recently grown in popularity in the United States. Sure, it's a traditional Middle Eastern food, ...