Search Results for

vitamin deficiency

Kombu: 5 Benefits & Uses

Kombu is an edible type of kelp, found in kelp forests in the sea. Kelp forests help maintain a healthy ecosystem for organisms that live between the surface of...

Kamut: 8 Benefits & Uses

Kamut (say “ka-moot”) is an ancient grain rich in nutrients and high in energy. Specifically, Kamut is a trademarked name given to khorasan wheat. While it’s be...

Kelp: 7 Benefits & Uses

Kelp is a superfood loaded with nutrients. It's been a diet staple in Asian cultures for centuries thanks to its mayn health benefits. While the thought of eati...

Jackfruit: 5 Benefits & Uses

As the largest tree fruit in the world, jackfruit can reach a whopping 100 pounds. It can be eaten dried, roasted or as an ingredient in soups, jams and other d...

Fennel: 10 Health Benefits

Fennel is a celery-like winter vegetable. Its flavor it similar to licorice, and its health benefits are many. In fact, fennel has been used in several cultures...

Farro: 6 Benefits & Uses

Farro is an ancient wheat grain similar to barley or spelt.  In fact, it's similar enough to these products it's often mistaken for them.  Farro, being an ancie...

Eggplant: 10 Health Benefits

Eggplants, native to the Indian subcontinent, are fruits that are now found worldwide. They are purple or black, glossy, and can grow to be bigger than a foot i...

Chestnuts: 6 Benefits & Uses

Chances are, you’re familiar with the holiday-associated chestnut. You may have sang about them in a popular Christmas song, or you may have purchased some in a...

Cauliflower: 8 Health Benefits

When it comes to health benefits, cauliflower packs a powerful punch. This vegetable is a member of the cruciferous family, its cousins being broccoli, cabbage,...