Parents, grandparents and any other adult who is part of a child’s life has a huge impact on shaping that child. Children mimic the behavior that they see. They learn from watching the adults around them. The way you speak and the way you act can have a powerful influence on the little ones around you. Choose to be a positive influence by setting a good example through your actions and your words. In fact, a few simple, kind phrases will have a much stronger impact on your child than you realize.

Here are four kind phrases that can change a child’s life forever:

1. “Treat Others As You Want To Be Treated”

kind phrases

Ah, the Golden Rule. Teaching a child about the Golden Rule at a young age can help them understand how important it is to treat others with kindness and respect. Too many people lack the ability to accept others for who they are and treat them with respect. As an adult, your words and actions should show your child that you practice what you preach. If you treat others with kindness and respect, your child will begin to understand. Instead of being a bully or looking down on others, they’ll be a peacemaker and a leader.

2. “Listen Before Speaking”

kind phrases

This lesson might take a few years for a young child to learn, but it’s worth teaching. Being an active listener can help your child in all aspects in life. It will help them be a better student, a better teacher and a better friend. Active listening by concentrating, understanding and responding isn’t always easy. Gently remind your child to listen before speaking, to teach them the importance of respectful communication.

3. “Think Positive Thoughts”

kind phrases

This simple phrase can end up being a powerful lesson. Keeping a positive attitude can be extremely difficult, especially as you get older and life starts to happen. If your child learns to keep a positive attitude when they’re young, even when things are difficult, this lesson will stay with them throughout their adult life.

4. “Kindness Is The Greatest Gift You Can Give”

kind phrases

One of the greatest lessons you can teach your child is to be kind. In a world full of people who are judgmental and lack compassion, finding someone who is genuinely kind and compassionate can be tough. Teach your child how important it is to show kindness to others in any circumstance. One kind act can make a world of difference in someone else’s life.

Power of Positivity
The Positive Parenting Centre
Moments A Day
Bringing Up Great Kids