The many uses of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) are ancient and well known. Anyone can replace his or her daily cleaning, beauty, and cooking items with apple cider ...
This secret mixture can ease your digestive system and help you get to sleep faster, and you've probably used it before. It's a turmeric-coconut combination, an...
Why is it Americans can't seem to stop eating? And what is it doing to our health overall?
It is no secret that Americans are some of the most obese people on ...
Are you bothered with moles, skin tags, clogged pores or skin breakouts? It is common to develop skin problems at any point in your life due to changes in your ...
By Gillian B
Did you know that chewing gum is one of the most toxic products available in stores? It’s is LOADED with chemicals such as aspartame (artificial...
This Jewel of the Tropics, the coconut palm tree, is known as "the tree that gives all that is necessary for living." And the coconut oil from these trees is no...
Government corruption, PR manipulation and talks of outright assassination – you'd think it was part of a House of Cards season plot but no, these things are al...
DW STAFF - The National Organic Program is run by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to maintain standards for organic food production on a national scale. But ...
So what makes Epsom salt so special? And how does this one inexpensive ingredient figure in all these beauty and health hacks?
Well, the secret is in its mak...
Baking soda. You use it for cooking and for odor absorption, but did you also know it can be used in homemade beauty treatments? Women’s Health Director Molly N...
Over the last 40 years, I have experienced various dietary lifestyles, including being a junk foodist, an ethical omnivore, a vegetarian then a vegan, next a ra...