Would you gnaw on a piece of charred wood? Well, probably not if it's said that way. But charcoal contains a compound known as C60, and C60 health benefits are ...
Choline? What is that? Well, choline is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in liver function, brain development, muscle movement, and metabolism...
Cat's claw has a long history of medicinal use, dating back to the Inca civilization in South America. In fact, this powerful herb boasts antiviral, anti-inflam...
Like a little heat? Capsaicin is responsible for that yummy spicy flavor of peppers. It's also responsible for the many medicinal benefits of cayenne pepper. Ca...
The calendula plant is in the same family as marigolds. It's been used for centuries for its medicinal benefits, applied topically or taken orally. Calendula is...
Butyric acid in a short-chain fatty acid that can be found in plant oils and some foods, including butter and ghee. It can also be found in the human body. Buty...
Bupleurum? Well, that's a new one, you may be saying. I thought so, too, at first. In fact, this herb has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for th...
Bromelain health benefits largely surround its ability to fight inflammation. But what is bromelain? Simply put, bromelain is an enzyme that can be found in the...
Boron is a trace mineral that can be found in certain foods as well as the environment. Research has linked boron to the prevention of several health conditions...
Betaine is an amino acid that has been studied for its many health benefits. What is betaine good for? Like B vitamins, betaine is able to aid in liver function...
If you enjoy cooking, you've probably used basil in some of your dishes. Basil is an herb in the mint family, along with mint, oregano and rosemary. Believe it ...
When you hear the word barberry, are you like me and wonder where the berries are? Sure, the plant produces berries, but barberries are usually tart and best fo...